Welcome to Roki The Rottweiler's blog !

Life of the little rottie named Roki

Woof! My name is Roki and I am a Rottweiler puppy. I was born in 16.8.2015, Estonia. I moved to Finland to my very best mommy and daddy in 4.10.2015. I like everyone and everything but favourite stuff for me is eating yummy bones, sleeping, exploring the world and playing with my other doggyfriends.

10 weeks old – Rottie stole my ball !

By 12:45 PM

Hello again!
This week I met someone like me...

One day I was going out with my Mom. We were going to play with my ball in the nearby field.
But when we arrived to the field, we saw a man and his dog playing in the distant. The man stopped playing with his dog and started walking towards us. He came to us and said: ”I saw that you have a cute rottweiler puppy! I had to come and see it closer! I have a rottweiler too.”

Then we started to walk back to his dog. It was a 4 years old girl. Her name was Alma. I started to lick her slobber and kiss her as much as I could. She totally ignored me though and stole my ball. She looked so happy playing with my ball rolling in the grass with it. In trade the man gave me a frisbee. I investigated it closely for a minute but I was more interested about this gorgeous lady. 

I ran behind her but couldn't catch her. After 15 minutes of running behind her I was getting really tired. I was really happy that I met this rottweiler. She reminded me of my rottweiler-mommy.
Mom saw I was getting sleepy so we said bye bye and headed back home. 

This week I had many new experiences like getting my fur brushed, getting my nails cut and taking a bath. The first bath time wasn't my favourite thing to experience but it was okay. The nail cutting was okay too with the treats. But I really liked getting brushed. 

I was confused about the object at first but Mom told me to stay still and she would let me to take a closer look at it later. After she had brushed me from everywhere, even the tip of my tail, she gave me the brush and I started to investigate and play with it.

                              Here's a video of me playing with the brush

Thank you for reading.


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